About Us

Creating custom, one of a kind, wearable pieces of art, for a unique YOU.

I started making jewelry when I bought a children's kit back in 2020. I had just had a baby when Covid hit and I was searching for something. Something to make me feel whole when the world seemed to be crashing. What started as a "little hobby" quickly turned into something that gave me what I was looking for. Peace, creativity, an outlet.

My mother then gifted me some vintage beads that were her good friends. He had recently passed and she thought it would go to good use with me. Boy, did it ever. I started selling my creations on Facebook and donated all proceeds to helping families in need during Christmas 2021. I raised close to $3,500 and was able to support 6 families over Christmas that year. That money went to give their family gift cards to grocery stores, basic household essentials, and toys/gifts for their children.

That year redefined me in a very special way. Not only had I found something that I loved but I could help people at the same time. I decided to take a chance on me and open my own small business.

I started with selling exclusively through custom orders. I then signed up for my local Farmers Market in 2022 and started selling every Saturday in my own town. Seeing people wearing my items does something to my heart that is hard to explain. It really is indescribable.

Cheers to 2023 and moving my business online! I hope you love my items as much as I do! Thank you for being here. Thank you for being you.

XoXo, Jenna